Sunday 18 September 2011

Watch Casablanca

"What is your nationality?"

"I'm a drunkard."

"That makes Rick a citizen of the world."

Might as well start the challenge with a task that's relatively straightforward to organise.

Everybody has a great movie that they've never got around to watching. Mine just happened to be Casablanca.

Having never seen it before, I was wondering whether it would live up to its reputation, or if it would seem dated, nearly 70 years after its original release.

As it happens, I thought it stood the test of time pretty well. There may be a distinct lack of CGI exploding helicopters or rampaging dinosaurs, but it remains a suspenseful, thoroughly-engrossing drama with good writing and outstanding performances. Curiously, the most often-cited one-liners from the film - "Here's looking at you, kid" and the frequently-misquoted "Play it, Sam" didn't actually strike me as being the most memorable in the film.

On a side topic, here's a hilarious review from Nostalgia Critic about how the 90s Pamela Anderson movie Barb Wire is essentially a bad rip-off of Casablanca.

One task done, only 51 left to go...

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